Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book a virtual consultation?

You can visit our website to book an online consultation or contact us at +965 60023276.

I have already been to a different clinic for the initial appointment, can I still visit Chic Clinic?

Of course! We welcome all patients irrespective of whether they have been to other clinics or not.

How often should I visit the dentist for routine check-ups?

It is advised that you visit your dentist every 6 months or twice a year. But if you are facing any issues like pain or decay in your gums/teeth, it’s better to book an appointment as soon as possible.

What dental services does Chic Clinic offer?

We offer a variety of services from regular check-ups to cosmetic services. For more details, checkout the services page on our website.

How can I improve my oral hygiene routine?

There are a lot of things that need to be kept in mind to help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental visits are key among other things like mouthwash, etc.

Do you accept insurance plans? Which ones?

We accept a variety of Insurance plans. For more details you can contact us online or walk-in.

What should I do in case of a dental emergency?

In case of a dental emergency, contact our office as soon as possible.

Would Chic Clinic be able to help with cosmetic dentistry procedures?

Yes, Chic Clinic offers various cosmetic dentistry procedures including our Italian Guglielmo smile.

What age groups does Chic Clinic cater to?

We cater to patients of all ages. We have doctors who are trained for pediatric services and other general practitioners who cater to adults.

Do you offer sedation dentistry options for nervous patients?

Yes. Depending on how nervous the patient is and whether that will affect the dental procedure or not, we offer different sedation options to patients.

How long does it typically take to complete specific dental procedures?

Different dental procedures take different time to complete. We can however give you an estimation of how long your procedure will take, when you come for consultations.

What payment options are available at Chic Clinic?

We offer a lot of different types of payment options including installments. For more details you can contact our executive or come visit the clinic.

Are there any special instructions to follow before and after dental treatments?

Depending on what procedure or treatment you will be undergoing, there are certain instructions and things patients might need to follow. But not to worry, our doctors are there throughout the process to help and guide you, even regarding pre and post treatment actions that you need to undertake.

How do I keep my teeth in good health?

Consistency is the key. Whatever you do, make sure that you do it properly and regularly to help maintain your teeth and gum health.

What if I have junk food once a week? How does it affect my teeth?

It’s okay if you indulge in your craving once-in-a-while. But regular consumption may cause severe damage to your teeth and overall health. You need to make sure that you are having a balanced diet, irrespective of what you want to eat.

What if I am a sweet tooth and have desserts on a regular basis?

You can have sweets if you are taking proper care afterwards. This includes not just oral hygiene but also your overall health.

How many times in a year should I get my teeth professionally cleaned?

It is advised to get your teeth cleaned twice a year to have a perfect smile. But make sure you don’t overdo it as continuous contact with the cleaning chemicals might cause your teeth to weaken. If after a treatment your teeth or gum feel sore or hurt, make sure to contact the clinic immediately.

How Can I Practice Good Oral Hygiene at Home?

Yes! Oral hygiene begins at home. Make sure to brush twice a day along with regular flossing and mouthwash.

Contact Us

Competently parallel task fully researched data and enterprise process improvements. Collaboratively expedite quality manufactured products.

+965 60023276
+965 22207007
+965 99563655
Mahboula, 20 Street
Salem Subah Al salem Al Subah Street,
Mermaid Medical Building , Villa 1


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